winter readiness
MISO emerged from winter 2024/25 without turning to emergency procedures despite wide-ranging winter storms Jan. 6-9 and again Jan. 20-22.
PJM credited emergency procedures with improving generator performance during a pair of winter storms in January, including a new all-time winter peak of 145,060 MW.
Citing a looming FERC deadline, NERC's Board of Trustees voted once again to sidestep the normal standards development process to accelerate development of the ERO's cold weather standard.
ERCOT’s Board of Directors signed off on staff’s recommendation to move forward with executing an RMR contract for CPS Energy’s Braunig Unit 3, deferring a decision on the gas plant’s other two smaller units.
A colder winter is likely to bring higher electricity demand and drive up natural gas prices, FERC staff said in the commission's annual winter energy market assessment.
MISO doesn’t foresee a scenario where it comes close to risky operations in the upcoming winter.
NYISO expects it will be able to operate reliably, according to the Winter 2024 Operating Study.
An emergency alert urging the public to conserve energy helped the Alberta Electric System Operator narrowly avert rolling blackouts during January’s extreme cold snap.
The Texas Reliability Entity says its latest regional assessment indicates weatherization activities since the disastrous February 2021 winter storm have paid off.
The final locational minimum installed capacity requirements for NYISO zones G - J for the 2024/25 capability year were approved by stakeholders at the Operating Committee meeting on Jan. 18.
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