December 23, 2024

winter peak

MISO in ‘Good Shape’ for Winter Operations
MISO expects to easily manage this winter’s anticipated 103.4 GW of peak demand with an estimated 142 GW of available capacity.
MISO Capacity Easily Exceeds Predicted Winter Peak
MISO said it expects to have plenty of reserve capacity to cover upcoming winter operations, even as it announced a review of an emergency declaration.
Changes to PJM Load Forecast Cuts Benchmark Peaks
A new PJM load forecast methodology cuts projected peaks for several key benchmarks by 3.5% or more.
MISO Prepared for Winter
MISO is cool and collected heading into the winter, staff told the Markets Committee of the Board of Directors.
MISO Focused on Gas-Electric Coordination for Winter
MISO is forecasting a 35% planning reserve margin for the winter and has implemented several changes to improve coordination with pipeline operators and ensure fuel deliveries to its fleet.
SPP OK for Cold Despite More Winter-Peaking Load
SPP is confident of its preparation for winter, although it will be adding the winter-peaking Integrated System to its footprint in October.
PJM to FERC: We’re Prepared for Winter
PJM is prepared to meet this winter’s load — even if it’s a bit higher than the record peak seen last season.
PJM Planning Committee Briefs
A round-up of news from the PJM Planning Committee on Sept. 10, 2015.
ERCOT Expects Sufficient Generation for Fall, Winter
ERCOT's seasonal assessments of resource adequacy for the fall and winter predict enough generation available to serve forecasted peaks.
Why Did PJM Grid Fare Better This Winter?
This winter bumped aside last year’s peak load record, but PJM's system experienced a fraction of the stress brought on by the January 2014 polar vortex.

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