wildfire prevention
The independent monitor hired by the state to keep tabs on PG&E's safety efforts said aged infrastructure and supply chain delays are impeding fire prevention.
JPxG, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
PG&E asked the CPUC to approve a plan that would allow it to sell a stake in a new generation subsidiary, with proceeds to be used to fund capital investment.
The California State Auditor criticized the oversight of investor-owned utilities' wildfire safety planning and performance by the CPUC and Energy Safety Office.
PG&E is seeking a 23% electric rate increase in 2023-26 on top of the 19% it received this year, eliciting protests from customers and ratepayer advocates.
A two-day summit on soaring utility rates looked at covering wildfire prevention and clean-energy costs with funding from sources other than ratepayers.
In a Q4 call, PG&E for the first time put a price tag of more than $25 billion on its proposal to underground 10,000 miles of lines in high-threat fire areas.
Oregon IOUs are asking state regulators to alter key provisions in a newly proposed set of rules designed to bolster utility wildfire mitigation plans.
The Oregon PUC voted to move ahead with a proposal to amend utility wildfire mitigation plans despite concerns about joint inspections of utilities' poles.
Gov. Gavin Newsom stood in the smoke of Sequoia National Park on Thursday to discuss the $15 billion California is spending on climate resilience.
The CPUC approved the state's largest rollout of covered conductor, with Southern California Edison planning to install 4,500 miles, costing nearly $2 billion.
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