July 7, 2024

Western RTO

Colorado Energy Office
Xcel Delays Joining EIM to Examine Options
Xcel's Public Service Company of Colorado decided to delay its entry into CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market in order to re-examine its decision.
ISO/RTO Council
Ex-FERC Officials Urge Commission to Expand Organized Markets
Nine former FERC members urged the commission Wednesday to push for organized power markets in all regions of the country, including the West and Southeast.
West Needs to Add Transmission for Renewables, CEOs Say
Western states must work together to build transmission avoid blackouts, Idaho Power CEO Lisa Grow and CAISO CEO Elliot Mainzer agreed.
6th Western Utility Interested in SPP Membership
SPP said that a planned expansion into the West has attracted another potential member in WAPA's Colorado River Storage Project.
Industry Eager for New Leadership on Tx, Climate
Panelists at gridCONNEXT's annual conference expressed hope that the incoming Biden administration will be able to advance renewables.
Industry Leaders Talk Diversity in the West
A discussion on diversity in the energy industry, hosted by CREPC-WIRAB, delved into resource adequacy and the potential for a Western RTO.
Western Utilities Eye RTO Membership in SPP
SPP signaled it may be on the verge of further expanding its footprint, as several Western utilities are committed to evaluating membership.
NARUC Panel Takes on West’s ‘Surreal Summer’
NARUC panelists examined the extraordinary events last summer in the Western Interconnection, including California's rolling blackouts.
Study: Western RTO Could Yield $1.2B in Yearly Savings
The creation of a Western RTO could save the region more than $1.2 billion annually in electric costs, according to a new study.
Western RTOs ‘Imperative,’ Says Retiring CAISO CEO
In an interview with RTO Insider at CAISO’s headquarters, outgoing CEO Steve Berberich talked about Western regionalization and his impending retirement.

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