July 5, 2024

Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)

Westward Ho: SPP Now a Western RC Provider
SPP became the first regional transmission organization to handle RC services in the Eastern and Western Interconnections.
Online Voting Tops WECC MAC Charter Proposals
Members of the WECC Member Advisory Committee heard a number of proposed changes to their charter, most prominently a plan to authorize electronic voting.
No ‘Hiccups’ for West’s RC Transition
All systems are go as WECC enters the final stretch to ensure its dozens of balancing authorities safely integrate into new Reliability Coordinators.
Certification Team Checks SPP’s Western RC Function
The certification process for SPP’s reliability coordination function in the Western Interconnection began with an on-site visit by two dozen industry reps.
NW Price Spike a ‘Wake-up Call,’ Ex-BPA Chief Says
The Western Electricity Coordinating Council Board of Directors received a briefing on the Pacific Northwest’s early March price spike.
West Faces Big Challenges, NERC Chief Tells WECC
NERC CEO Jim Robb returned to his former workplace at the WECC last week for the first time since he took the nation’s top reliability job 15 months ago.
NERC Investigating Chinese Tie to Software Vendor
NERC is investigating Chinese ties to the vendor it selected for a high-profile software project, the Western Electricity Coordinating Council learned.
SPP’s Western EIS Market Poised to Challenge EIM
SPP has raised the stakes in what could shape up to be a long-term competition to win over the Western electricity market one service at a time.
CAISO’s RC West Earns NERC Certification
CAISO's RC West operation has won NERC certification and is on track to begin serving balancing authorities in California and parts of Mexico on July 1.
NERC Sees Summer Risks for Texas, Calif.
Most regions will meet their summer peaks but Texas and California are at risk, NERC said in its 2019 Summer Reliability Assessment.

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