March 26, 2025

Vote Solar

The Rocky Road to Performance-based Regulation in Connecticut
The ongoing feud between Connecticut utilities and their regulators has spilled over into the state's efforts to implement performance-based regulation for its electric utilities.
Sun Valley Solar Solutions
FERC Rejects PURPA Petition in Arizona Solar Case
FERC declined to act on a petition that accused the Salt River Project of violating PURPA with rates that discriminate against customers with rooftop solar.
Sun Valley Solar Systems
Petition Seeks PURPA Protections for Rooftop Solar
Solar advocates petitioned FERC to take enforcement action against SRP for setting rates that allegedly discriminate against customers with rooftop solar.
NJ Opens Community Solar and Nuclear Support Programs
New Jersey made its community solar pilot program permanent, with a major focus on ensuring half of all subscribers are low- or moderate-income households.
IREC/Vote Solar
Report: DER Interconnection in ‘Real Disarray’ Across US
States lag on interconnection policies, but the IREC/Vote Solar study does not recognize the work some utilities are doing to streamline the process.

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