July 3, 2024

Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)

DC Circuit Dismisses DOE Security Complaint
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed a petition by the Union of Concerned Scientists calling for a review of DOE rules concerning disclosure of CEII.
MISO Members Greenlight Stakeholder ID Rules
MISO members overwhelmingly voted to require that stakeholders state their full name and their company before commenting during meetings.
Tx Planning in Boston Collides with Climate Goals
Massachusetts residents & officials debated the need for a new substation in East Boston, saying the projected increased load could be met with renewables.
Baker Vetoes Mass. Climate Bill
Gov. Charlie Baker vetoed a wide-ranging climate bill, saying he needed more time to scrutinize the details of the legislation and recommend changes.
UCS Urges Broad Midwest Energy Legislation in 2021
The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is making a pitch to Midwestern states in hopes that they pass sweeping clean energy bills in 2021.
NYISO, using U.S. EIA data
Soapbox: It’s Time for Transparency in the Grid
Mike Jacobs, senior energy analyst for the Union of Concerned Scientists, argues for more transparency in RTOs' and ISOs' GHG emissions.
Coal Org Pushes Back on Self-Commit Study
America’s Power has countered a Union of Concerned Scientists analysis claiming coal plant self-commitments are unnecessarily costing ratepayers millions.
NEI Emphasizes Cooperation with Renewables
In her annual State of the Industry address, NEI CEO Maria Korsnick positioned nuclear not as a competitor with renewables but as a partner.
UCS Analysis Knocks Coal Self-commitments
Coal plant self-commitments saddled MISO customers with $350 million in unnecessary costs in 2018, according to analysis from the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Midwest Renewables Poised to Rise in 2020
2020 is shaping up to be a seminal period in the Midwest’s transition to renewable energy if new initiatives and state legislation are any indication.

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