U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
DOE is seeking input from the public on how to use the Defense Production Act authority that President Biden granted it to improve power grid reliability.
Jigar Shah has taken the Energy’s Loan Programs Office from a largely dormant part of DOE to an office processing applications for loans totaling $86.5 billion.
The U.S. Department of Energy announced $24 million in grants to support the development of next-generation concentrating solar-thermal power technology.
The Biden administration approved EV charging plans for all 50 states, opening the spigot on $1.5 billion to add chargers over 75,000 miles of highway.
More than 6,000 people from 34 countries traveled to the Steel City for the Global Clean Energy Action Forum. Here's some of what we heard there.
DOE announced the opening of applications for $7 billion in funding for six to 10 clean hydrogen hubs funded by the 2021 infrastructure bill.
Infocast’s Hydrogen Hubs Summit was intended to focus on the $8 billion in federal funding for clean hydrogen hubs authorized in the IIJA.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer fired a major shot boosting efforts to reopen the now-shuttered Palisades Nuclear Plant along Lake Michigan’s shores.
The U.S. steel industry can cut its carbon emissions almost to zero by 2050 while increasing production by 12%, according to a new DOE roadmap.
The federal government is standing ready to help New England with fuel supply and grid reliability this winter, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said.
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