March 27, 2025

Turlock Irrigation District

NM Utilities to Pursue More Analysis Before Day-ahead Decision
Despite the recent release of results from a study on the two competing day-ahead markets in the West, two New Mexico utilities said they need to conduct more analysis before they make a choice.
Study Shows Uneven Benefits for California, Rest of West in Single Market

The results from a WMEG study indicate that many entities outside California would see more benefits from a two-market outcome while the Golden State has the most to lose from such a split.

WEIM Q3 Benefits Top $500M, Near $3B Total
CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market reached a record $526 million in benefits in Q3 and neared $3 billion in cumulative benefits since it started in 2014.
Implementation Underway for NWPP’s Western RA Market
NWPP took its first steps implementing its Western Resource Adequacy Program, allowing participants to submit resource data for a “nonbinding” phase.
Expansion Takes EIM into LA, New Mexico
CAISO’s Western EIM notched another milestone as it welcomed the country’s largest municipal utility and extended its border to include much of New Mexico.
FERC Upholds Ruling in PG&E Interconnection Case
FERC rejected PG&E’s request to rehear a case where the commission ruled interconnection customers could be harmed by changes occurring outside boundaries.
EIM Entrants Cite Changing West as Motivation for Joining
CAISO’s EIM Governing Body and Regional Issues Forum heard from Modesto Irrigation District, Tacoma Power and Turlock Irrigation District.
Turlock Irrigation District to Join Western EIM
CAISO said that Turlock Irrigation District, California’s oldest irrigation district, signed an agreement to join the Energy Imbalance Market in April 2021.

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