July 7, 2024

transmission upgrades

SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs: July 11-12, 2017
The SPP Z2 Task Force will likely be a relic of the past, but the issues with credits and obligations for sponsored transmission upgrades aren’t going away.
FERC Staff OK MISO Interconnection Queue Refund Plan
FERC staff approved MISO’s proposal to allow generators to withdraw from its interconnection queue without penalty if they undergo a three-stage evaluation process.
ISO-NE PAC Briefs: June 21, 2017
At last week's ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee meeting, Eversource presented evidence of woodpecker damage and decaying support structures.
DOE Approves Emergency Dispatch of Yorktown Units
PJM secured U.S. Department of Energy approval to dispatch Dominion's shuttered Yorktown units to address reliability issues in Virginia.
PJM Planning and Tx Expansion Advisory Committees Briefs
PJM told the Operating Committee that they're developing a solar forecast and will need to make several Tariff and manual changes to accommodate it.
MISO, PJM See No Joint Reliability Projects; Evaluating MEPs
MISO and PJM will entertain proposals for interregional reliability projects even though none of the 19 planned reliability upgrades offer opportunities for collaboration.
PJM Markets and Reliability and Members Committees Briefs
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee and Members Committee discussed the RTO's recent pseudo-tie filing, capacity replacement and fuel-cost policies.
Board Approves CAISO Small TO Generator Interconnection Plan
The CAISO Board approved a generator interconnection plan designed to prevent smaller transmission owners from footing the costs for network upgrades.
PJM Planning Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee Briefs
General assumptions regarding winter operations will need to be replaced with actual data to improve PJM’s winter resource adequacy analysis.
SPP Briefs
The odds of SPP and MISO conducting a second joint study dropped as the RTOs’ reviews are not lining up. Plus the Z2 Task Force is narrowing alternatives.

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