transmission congestion
Preliminary results from a biennial NYISO study show high congestion in three areas of the New York bulk power system.
FERC accepted the recommendations of SPP’s Market Monitoring Unit to eliminate the Woodward frequently constrained area (FCA) in Northwest Oklahoma.
FERC rejected state and local regulators’ rehearing request over MISO’s plan to include its South region in cost sharing for its TMEPs with PJM.
NYISO’s Management Committee approved proposed rule revisions that would allocate day-ahead market congestion rent shortfalls and surpluses.
CAISO is recommending cutting more than $2.7 billion from current transmission spending estimates across the 2027 planning horizon.
Stakeholders remain reticent to cede too much command and control to PJM, voting at the MRC meeting to defer a vote on revisions to Manual 14D.
Stakeholders at last week’s Planning Committee meeting pushed PJM to expand its scope on several transmission-related issues.
a FERC administrative law judge has concluded that PJM’s system impact study process is unjust and unreasonable because of a lack of transparency.
CAISO launched a sweeping set of updates to its interconnection policies, an annual process made increasingly complex by a rapidly changing resource mix.
Real-time price data from 2018 indicate the ISO-NE grid is nearly free of congestion, stakeholders learned during a PAC teleconference.
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