July 22, 2024

The Brattle Group

Consultant to Coordinate New England ‘Future Grid’ Study
NEPOOL and NESCOE are hiring Peter Flynn, a former National Grid executive, to serve as administrator of the Transition to the Future Grid project.
New York Ponders Planning an Offshore Grid
A new study estimates New York would save $500 million through a planned transmission strategy for its next 7,200 MW of offshore wind.
NEPOOL Reconsiders Forward Clean Energy Market
NEPOOL is examining how it can adapt market rules to reach states' decarbonization goals through a forward clean energy market.
‘Astonishing’ Buildout Needed for Clean NY Grid
Meeting New York’s ambitious goal of reaching 100% emissions-free electricity will require an “astonishing” 80 GW of new generation by 2040.
NEPOOL Markets/Reliability Committee Briefs: May 27, 2020
AEE presented a paper recommending that ISO-NE and NEPOOL consider borrowing from NYISO’s effort to plan for a renewable-heavy future.
NYISO Examines ‘Evolution’ to Zero Emissions
NYISO will face a myriad of challenges as New York decarbonizes its economy and the power sector transitions to zero-emissions generation.
Brattle Study Highlights Benefits of Offshore Grid
A planned undersea transmission network interconnecting future offshore wind projects would save New England more than $1 billion, The Brattle Group said.
PJM MOPR Floor Prices Reduced for Gas, Nuclear, Solar Units
PJM officials told stakeholders that revised calculations show lower floor prices for gas, nuclear and solar generating units under the expanded MOPR.
Why 4 Colorado Utilities Joined CAISO EIM, not SPP WEIS
Four Colorado utilities decided to join CAISO’s Energy Imbalance Market instead of SPP’s Western Energy Imbalance Service because of the economic benefits.
PJM Stakeholders Get First Look at MOPR Floor Costs
PJM stakeholders got their first look at the price floors that could be applied for capacity resources under the expanded minimum offer price rule.

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