synchronized reserves
PJM gave more detail on its plan to scale back a 30% adder it added on the synchronized and primary reserve requirement in May 2023.
PJM stakeholders voted for a third consecutive meeting to delay acting on revisions to Manual 14H intended to clarify when developers may add or remove parcels from their project footprint.
PJM's Adam Keech told the Market Implementation Committee the RTO plans to file governing document revisions with FERC to expand the requirement that resources must offer into the capacity market to also apply to all resources holding capacity interconnection rights.
The PJM MRC endorsed one of two proposals to revise how the RTO uses reserve resources, approving a deployment scheme where instructions are sent by basepoints, while rejecting a parallel proposal to grant operators the ability to dynamically increase market procurements.
PJM presented its Operating Committee with a set of revisions to Manual 12 regarding fuel assurance requirements for black start resources.
The Reserve Certainty Senior Task Force is considering proposals from PJM and the Independent Market Monitor aimed at improving the performance of reserve resources by increasing electronic signaling and providing more flexibility around reserve procurement targets.
Average load-weighted electricity prices in PJM fell by around half in 2023, the Independent Market Monitor said in its annual State of the Market Report.
PJM reported that synchronized reserve resource operators have reported several reasons for shortfalls in their response rates, including operating under a ruleset FERC rejected last year.
PJM's Operating Committee delayed a vote on manual revisions aimed at reducing the circumstances under which the RTO would provide advance notice of when it will be sharing confidential member information with third parties.
PJM discussed the response to the July heatwaves and proposed changes to manual language around how synchronized reserves are deployed during the Operating Committee meeting.
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