surplus interconnection service (SIS)
The PJM Planning Committee endorsed by acclamation revisions to Manual 14H to conform with changes to the RTO’s surplus interconnection service process FERC approved in February.
FERC approved a one-time measure by PJM to add up to 50 new projects to a cluster of projects to be studied beginning in April.
PJM heads into 2025 with several proposals before FERC seeking to rework its capacity market and generator interconnection queue, while stakeholders work on an expedited Quadrennial Review of the market and changes to resource accreditation.
Stakeholder opinions were sharply divided at the PJM Members Committee’s meeting regarding RTO proposals to allow high capacity factor resources to be sped through the interconnection queue and revise aspects of the capacity market.
Stakeholders are split on whether FERC should adopt additional changes to its generator interconnection rules, or focus on implementing Order 2023 while letting specific regions go further on their own, according to comments filed after a September technical conference.
FERC has accepted a pair of SPP tariff revisions related to generator interconnection procedures and transmission planning.
The NEPOOL Transmission Committee voted to recommend the Participants Committee support ISO-NE’s filing to address rejected portions its FERC Order 845 compliance filing.
FERC largely accepted PJM’s Order 845 compliance filing addressing concerns over a lack of transparency regarding contingent facilities.
NEPOOL participants seem to be in “overall agreement” with ISO-NE’s approach to finalizing compliance with FERC Order 845.
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