July 6, 2024

supply chain

NOI Responses Describe Supply Chain Challenges
Industry participants support efforts to limit acquisition of foreign-manufactured hardware but warn that removal from existing systems will be challenging.
DOE Issues China BPS Equipment Ban
DOE issued a prohibition order barring some U.S. utilities from acquiring equipment from China, citing concerns that its government may undermine the BPS.
Supply Chain Rules Increasing Costs
Supply chain rules from NERC and the federal government are increasing costs and procurement cycles for utilities and technology vendors.
Cybersecurity, Modeling Top NERC’s 2021 Risk List
Cyber hygiene and poor-quality modeling continue to head the list of major risks to the stability of the bulk power system.
FERC Opens Supply Chain Cyber Risk Inquiry
FERC began an inquiry into the reliability risks posed by equipment originating overseas, seeking comment on utilities' use of equipment provided by entities associated with U.S. adversaries.
Texas Reliability Entity Briefs: Sept. 3, 2020
NERC CEO Jim Robb clarified the ERO's response to President Trump’s executive order regarding the supply chain during a governance meeting.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Sept. 3, 2020
PJM stakeholders inquired about the impacts of the planned rollout of the intelligent reserve deployment SCED case.
Hitachi ABB Joins Supply Chain Security Network
Hitachi ABB Power Grids agreed to join the Asset to Vendor Network for Power Utilities, a cybersecurity-focused information sharing network.
No Further Deferments for NERC Standards
NERC CEO Jim Robb said the ERO will not request further delays for seven standards that were deferred earlier this year.
Reliability Guidelines, Standards Posted for Comment
NERC opened comment periods for proposed reliability guidelines on winter weather readiness and supply chain procurement.

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