July 22, 2024

summer peak

Heat Counteracts COVID-19 Impact on MISO Load
Unseasonably warm weather has nudged MISO load a little closer to normal this week, though demand is still being compressed by pandemic safety measures.
CAISO Predicts Adequate Summer Capacity
California should have enough capacity to get through this summer’s peak demand but dwindling hydropower and limited imports during late-season heat waves could strain supply, CAISO said.
MISO Preps for Balmy Summer with Pandemic Effects
Warmer-than-usual weather this summer means MISO will likely have to declare an emergency, even without heavy loads or a high volume of generation outages.
ERCOT Sees Summer Repeat: Record Peak, Tight Reserves
ERCOT's first seasonal assessment of resource adequacy for the summer foresees a repeat of 2019 but with additional capacity to help meet demand.
Report: PJM’s Summer Operations ‘Uneventful’
PJM’s grid coasted through an “uneventful” summer highlighted by a new record for weekend peak load and the lowest forced outrage rate in five years.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: Sept. 25, 2019
The NYISO Management Committee discussed the ISO's draft 2020 budget, two July heat waves, and new energy and business management systems in development.
ERCOT: More Capacity, but Emergency Ops Still Expected
ERCOT said its final summer 2019 resource adequacy assessment indicates “a potential need” to enter energy emergency alert status for system reliability.
MISO Foresees Summer Emergency, LMR Use
MISO expects to call on load-modifying resources this summer despite estimates it will have about 149 GW of projected capacity on hand.
ERCOT Predicts Tight Reserve Margin for 2019
ERCOT said Tuesday that it confronts a historically low 8.1% planning reserve margin next summer in the face of continued high electricity demand from oil and gas producers in West Texas and the cancellation of several generation projects.
ERCOT: Market Performed ‘as Expected’ During Summer Heat
ERCOT said an "exceptional" response by generators and a lack of extreme temperatures helped it meet record demand this summer without issuing alerts.

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