July 22, 2024

summer peak

MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs: July 8, 2021
MISO defended its June 10 decision to call an emergency to access load-modifying resources at last week's Market Subcommittee meeting.
ISO-NE: Resources in Place to Meet Summer Demand
ISO-NE said it should have the resources necessary this summer to meet demand during average and above-average temperatures.
MISO Tells Members to Prepare for Summer Emergencies
MISO says it has 146 GW of capacity to cover a projected 122 GW summer peak. However, staff said emergency declarations could be made.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: April 28, 2021
NYISO CEO Rich Dewey informed the Management Committee that Sept. 1 is the earliest date on which in-person stakeholder meetings could resume.
Wheeling Debate Tests West, CAISO CEO Says
CAISO stakeholders are still wary of the new proposed wheel-through provisions the ISO has submitted to FERC for clarity on the complex issue.
CPUC, CAISO Take Major Steps for Summer Reliability
The CPUC and CAISO instituted new resource adequacy requirements and conservation programs in preparation for the coming summer.
CAISO Speeds Rule Changes to Avoid Shortfalls
CAISO issued a draft final proposal for its summer readiness market enhancements initiative just three weeks after presenting a straw proposal.
CAISO Advances Summer Readiness Plan
CAISO introduced a straw proposal that aims to attract supply this summer and head off shortfalls like those that led to rolling blackouts last year.
MISO Looks Back on Turbulent Summer
With a challenging summer in the rearview, MISO expects more traditional reliability risks this fall while making blueprints for an industry roiled by change.
ISO-NE: Minor COVID Impacts on Summer Load, Forecasts
ISO-NE analysis suggests that summer demand from June 1 to July 11 was consistent with the 2020 CELT forecast despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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