FERC accepted SPP's proposed tariff revisions that will incorporate seven Western Interconnection entities as transmission-owning members of the RTO.
SPP’s Board of Directors has approved a one-time process to quickly add generation so load-responsible entities can meet their resource adequacy needs under the grid operator’s planning reserve margin requirements.
New SPP CEO Lanny Nickell says the RTO's corporate culture is its "secret sauce" and the key to its success in 2025 as it tackles the grid of the future and expansion into the Western Interconnection.
FERC issued a deficiency letter over SPP’s proposed revisions to its tariff, bylaws and membership agreements intended to facilitate nine western entities’ RTO membership as transmission owners.
CAISO scored a geographically small but symbolically significant victory with the announcement that two Black Hills Energy subsidiaries will move to the ISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market.
Colorado’s investor-owned utilities must compare available alternatives when asking regulators for approval to participate in an RTO or ISO, but not to join a day-ahead market.
SPP filed bylaw amendments at FERC to place seven Western entities under its tariff that, if approved, will make the RTO the first grid operator with markets in both major interconnections.
SPP senior management rolled out its top 2024 corporate goals for its Board of Directors and stakeholders, cautioning they don’t reflect all the important work the grid operator will take on this year.
SPP's western stakeholders have endorsed large chunks of tariff language that define how the day-ahead Markets+ will handle market transmission use, congestion management, transmission capacity obligations, market manipulation, and confidentiality.
SPP’s membership has elected Stuart Solomon and Irene Dimitry to three-year terms on its independent Board of Directors.
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