July 22, 2024

SPP Markets+

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
BPA Targets August for Draft Day-ahead Market Decision

The Bonneville Power Administration plans to issue a draft decision on its day-ahead market participation in August, followed by a final decision in November.

NM Utilities to Pursue More Analysis Before Day-ahead Decision
Despite the recent release of results from a study on the two competing day-ahead markets in the West, two New Mexico utilities said they need to conduct more analysis before they make a choice.
Western Power Trading Forum/Public Generating Pool
Western Market Seams Issues to Differ from East, Study Finds

The study finds dividing CAISO’s EDAM from SPP’s Markets+ would create seams that pose a different set of problems than challenges seen at the boundaries of full RTOs in other parts of the U.S.

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SPP Markets+ Participants Executive Committee Briefs: Jan. 23-24, 2024
Stakeholders have discussed the likelihood that there may be two day-ahead markets in the West, CAISO’s Extended Day-ahead Market and SPP’s Markets+ and/or RTO West.
Western Markets Exploratory Group
NM Regulators to Explore Findings on Day-Ahead Market at RTO Workshop
The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission will dive into a report on the financial implications of a Western day-ahead electricity market.
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Conditions Finally Reverted to (Somewhat) Normal for SPP in 2023
SPP chalked up numerous successes during 2023 without the effects of a global pandemic or severe winter storms.
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IMIP Approves SPP Markets+ Governance Tariff Language
SPP’s Markets+ senior leadership approved the day-ahead market’s proposed governing document, a significant milestone in the drive to file a tariff with FERC in early 2024.
SPP’s MPEC Approves Markets+ Governance Plan
SPP met a major milestone in its Western efforts as a Markets+ committee approved the day-ahead market’s proposed governing document.
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Region Still Split as BPA Approaches Day-ahead Market Decision
The Bonneville Power Administration is pulling back from its ambitious schedule for choosing which Western day-ahead market it will join, officials with the federal power marketing administration said during a workshop.
Western RTO Group Seeking $800K in DOE Funding
The West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative is seeking $800,000 in federal grants to support its administrative and outreach needs as it works to lay the foundation for an independent Western RTO.

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