July 3, 2024

special case resources (SCR)

NYISO Defends 10-kW Minimum for DER Aggregation Participation
NYISO defended its proposal to set a 10-kW minimum requirement for distributed energy resources to participate in an aggregation. 
NYISO Stakeholders Balk at Proposed Day-Ahead Market for Demand Resources
NYISO stakeholders continued their criticism of the ISO’s effort to improve its demand response programs, saying it has inadequately addressed their concerns.
NYISO Braces for the Coming Winter
NYISO will see improved transmission deliverability within its borders and with PJM this winter but reduced interchange with ISO-NE, stakeholders were told.
Potomac Economics
Providers See ‘Mixed Signals’ on Demand Response in NYISO
Demand response providers in NYISO are concerned that proposed market rule changes will harm the economics of special case resources.
NYISO Previews Capacity Accreditation Modeling Work
NYISO briefed the Installed Capacity/Market Issues Working Group on its efforts to improve capacity accreditation.
Con Edison
DR Provider Seeks NYISO Approval for Small Customer Aggregations
OhmConnect is seeking NYISO approval to begin this summer enrolling its small customer aggregations as SCRs in the ISO’s wholesale capacity market.
FERC Partly OKs NYISO Mitigation Language
FERC partly accepted NYISO’s compliance filing on buyer-side market power mitigation rules, denying a waiver and rejecting the ISO’s arguments on Tariff language.
FERC Denies NRG Waiver in NY Emissions Case
FERC denied NRG Curtailment Solutions’ request for an exemption from NYISO penalties for nonperformance.
‘Special Case’ DR Exempted from MOPR in NYISO
FERC granted New York officials’ request to exempt new “special case resources” from buyer-side market power mitigation rules in NYISO.
NYISO Asks if ICAP Order Includes the Lower Hudson Valley
NYISO asked FERC if a recent order meant to mitigate market power in the installed capacity market in New York City would apply to its new capacity zone in the Lower Hudson Valley.

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