September 28, 2024

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)

Ready to Act on DERs, FERC Tells Congress
FERC told Congress it is ready to act on distributed energy resources (DER), assuring House members they will not encroach on state jurisdiction.
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FERC Rejects Rehearing on SPP Cost Allocation Reviews
FERC denied a challenge to its 2017 order allowing SPP to change its regional cost allocation review.
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SPP Questioned on Secrecy over Tariff Team
SPP officials were questioned as to why the Holistic Integrated Tariff Team (HITT) was created and approved behind closed doors.
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SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs: April 17, 2018
The SPP MOPC endorsed a rule change to address member concerns that the ITP Manual doesn’t appropriately capture purchase power agreement pricing.
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Vote to Make Variable Resources Dispatchable Falls Short at MOPC
The SPP MOPC failed to endorse a revision that would have required non-dispatchable variable energy resources (NDVERs) to register as dispatchable.
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New Midwest Infrastructure Must Respect Trends, Experts Say
Industry experts talked about the trends dictating new energy infrastructure at a Midwest Energy Policy Series panel hosted by the Missouri Energy Initiative.
SPP Group Balks at Mountain West Concessions
A group of SPP members have asked the Board of Directors to reconsider its decision to move forward with the Mountain West Transmission Group integration until “there is more consensus.“
SPP Seeks FERC Meet in MISO Tx Dispute
MISO Chairman Michael Curran last week denied an RTO Insider story quoting him as saying that the RTO should “burn down” the 3,000-MW limit on flows between its North and South regions if necessary to prevent load shedding.
Public Service Co. of Oklahoma
FERC Approves Change to Eliminate Gaming in SPP Markets
FERC approved SPP’s proposed Tariff revisions to eliminate a gaming opportunity related to regulation deployment adjustments.
SPP Seams Steering Committee Briefs: April 4, 2018
SPP and AECI stakeholders approved a scope for a joint study to determine the existence of any mutually beneficial transmission projects.

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