September 28, 2024

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)

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SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Briefs: April 24, 2018
SPP’s Board of Directors was forced to table the appeal of a rejected revision request, cutting short the discussion when they realized the supporting documentation was not included in the background materials.
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SPP Regional State Committee Briefs: April 23, 2018
The SPP RSC (Regional State Committee) approved the scope for a study of cost allocation in wind-rich areas, a problem that grows along with the RTO’s wind generation.
Eckelberger, Skilton Step Down from SPP Board
After 18 years of providing a steady presence on the SPP Board of Directors, Jim Eckelberger and Harry Skilton have stepped aside to fill emeritus roles.
AEP: ‘Halfway There’ to Wind Catcher Approval
Buoyed by recent positive developments, American Electric Power CEO Nick Akins had several reasons Thursday to proclaim the company “in better shape than in the first quarter of last year.”
Still ‘Committed,’ SPP Halts Mountain West Integration Effort
SPP CEO Nick Brown said the grid operator remains committed to making their membership proposal to Mountain West Transmission Group work, despite Xcel Energy’s surprise decision to pull out of the group and its pending integration into the RTO.
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Overheard at the GCPA Spring Conference
The Gulf Coast Power Association (GCPA) annual spring conference drew almost 400 attendees to the so-called Energy Capital of the World.
Market Monitors Debate Roles, Effectiveness of Programs
Market monitors from the Eastern Interconnection and ERCOT debated their roles in the RTOs they oversee and the need for effective monitoring programs.
RTO CEOs Trade Quips, Thoughts on Future at GCPA
At the Gulf Coast Power Association’s annual spring conference, ERCOT CEO Bill Magness once again moderated a panel of his counterparts from around the country.
RTOs Take to Catwalk for Western Commissioners
Grid Operators for the three RTOs vying to organize Western electricity markets faced off before an audience of utility regulators in what one state commissioner billed a “beauty pageant.”
UPDATE: Xcel Leaving Mountain West; SPP Integration at Risk
Xcel Energy, the largest member of the Mountain West Transmission Group (MWTG), said that it is withdrawing from the group and its efforts to join SPP.

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