September 28, 2024

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)

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SPP Generator Interconnection Group Wraps up Work
SPP members approved one of two Generator Interconnection Improvement Task Force recommendations but took no action on the second.
Great Plains Energy
SPP MMU: Evergy Changing Market Dynamics
The creation of Evergy has increased market concentration in the new company’s reserve zone, SPP’s Marketing Monitoring Unit said.
Turbine Generator Maintenance
FERC Accepts SPP Proposal on Maintenance Costs in Offers
FERC approved SPP’s proposal to allow generators to include major maintenance costs in their mitigated start-up and no-load offers.
SPP Briefs: Week of Oct. 8, 2018
FERC approved the first SPP seams project when it accepted Tariff revisions incorporating a cost-sharing and usage agreement with AECI.
North Dakota Studies
Coal Group Seeks Reliability Bonus from MISO, SPP
The Lignite Energy Council, a coal lobbying group, reportedly plans to approach MISO and SPP in an effort to have them pay more for coal-fired generation.
FERC Denies Rehearing on SPP Tx Cost Shifts
FERC denied a rehearing request by SPP transmission owners of its earlier decision on the allocation of transmission costs.
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SPP Briefs: Week Ending Sept. 14, 2018
SPP stakeholders approved staff’s recommendation to remove AEP’s Wind Catcher project from the 2019 ITP assessment scope.
Western RC Transition ‘Hot Topic’ at WECC Meeting
WECC focused on the issues and challenges surrounding the balkanization of reliability coordination in the Western Interconnection at its annual meeting.
CAISO RC Wins Most of the West
CAISO is poised to take the lion’s share of the West in the competition for reliability coordinator (RC) customers, WECC revealed.
WAPA to Divide RC Services Between CAISO, SPP
WAPA said its Sierra Nevada region will go with CAISO for RC services, while its Rocky Mountain and Desert Southwest regions will go with SPP.

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