September 26, 2024

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)

SPP Breaks 18-GW Barrier for Wind Production
SPP produced more than 18 GW of wind energy for the first time in history, less than four months after breaking the 17-GW barrier.
SPP Seams Steering Committee Briefs: Jan. 8, 2020
State regulators from SPP and MISO continue to discuss opportunities to contribute to the RTOs’ transmission planning analysis.
Changes at the Top for SPP in 2020
By midyear, SPP will be without five key figures who have helped expand the grid operator’s footprint into 17 states and implement a day-ahead market.
FERC Denies Rehearing of SPP Exit Fee Decision
FERC rejected a request by SPP and its load-serving entities to rehear its order that eliminated the RTO’s membership exit fee for non-transmission owners.
EIM Lands Xcel, Three Other Colorado Utilities
Xcel Energy, Black Hills Colorado Electric, Colorado Springs Utilities and Platte River Power Authority announced they will join CAISO's EIM.
Texas PUC Briefs: Dec. 13, 2019
Texas' PUC denied El Paso’s request for an extension of settlement negotiations, maintaining the agreement deadline in the acquisition of El Paso Electric.
SPP Briefs: Week of Dec. 9, 2019
SPP's Monitor released a paper detailing a study of generator self-commitments in the market, yielding evidence they exert downward pressure on prices.
Overheard at GTM’s Energy Storage Summit 2019
Storage industry and assorted regulators, financiers, and utility and RTO representatives gathered for the GreenTech Media Energy Storage Summit 2019.
Enviros, States Question Coal Self-commitments
Two environmental groups that say regulated utilities’ practice of self-committing coal plants is costing ratepayers have a point, RTO officials said.
MISO, SPP Regulators Nibble Away at Seams Issues
State regulators working to improve MISO-SPP interregional planning processes and seams issues drew interested onlookers to their latest committee meeting.

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