July 24, 2024

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)

SPP to Phase Out WEIS as New Market Offerings Expand
SPP said it plans to close its Western Energy Imbalance Service, with members joining either its proposed Markets+ program or its Western RTO.
SPP Stuns with 90.2% Renewable Penetration Mark
SPP set the energy Twitterverse on fire when it became the first regional grid operator to exceed 90% for the amount of renewable energy meeting demand.
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Overheard at EPSA Competitive Power Summit 2022
Competitive generators and others discussed market changes at the Electric Power Supply Association Competitive Power Summit at the National Press Club.
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Overheard at GCPA MISO South-SPP Conference
MISO and SPP’s friendlier relationship was on display at the Gulf Coast Power Association’s MISO-SPP conference
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Industry Experts Bet on Renewables, ESG
Panelists told attendees at the MISO-SPP GCPA conference to expect more renewables and more socially responsible operations of the RTOs' members.
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GCPA Panelists Go One on One Over SEEM Proposal
Two experts on either side of the argument debated how the nascent market will work in practice using several basketball references.
SPP’s Consolidated Tx Planning Just Beginning
An SPP task force out to consolidate transmission planning processes and associated cost-sharing mechanism is just getting started.
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Partially Grants Challenges to AEP Transmission Rates
FERC partially granted four cooperatives’ challenge of AEP companies’ annual update for transmission formula rate charges under the SPP tariff.
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FERC Officials See Need for Changes to RTO Transmission Rules
FERC officials told the ACORE Policy Forum that RTO transmission planning rules must be revised to support reliability and the flood of renewable generation.
MISO Delays $13B Long-range Portfolio’s Recommendation
MISO has again pushed back the date it will recommend $13 billion dollars’ worth of long-range transmission projects to its board of directors.

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