September 30, 2024

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)

ERCOT, SPP Set New Wind Records
ERCOT and SPP both set new wind generation records last week, with ERCOT's output hitting 14,122 MW.
FERC OKs SPP’s New Out-of-Merit Definition
FERC has accepted the SPP Tariff revisions to the RTO’s out-of-merit energy processes, scotching objections by several wind energy companies.
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SPP Ponders Congestion Rights as Z2 Solution
SPP stakeholders are pondering the use of incremental long-term congestion rights to help solve some of the complexity with the RTO’s Z2 crediting process.
SPP’s M2M Payments to MISO Continued in September
The recent trend of SPP sending market-to-market payments to MISO continued in September, but that trend may reverse itself in the months to come.
CenterPoint Energy Fine-Tunes its Gas Businesses
CenterPoint Energy (NYSE:CNP) continues to focus on gas even as its regulated electric business contributed to a strong 3rd quarter earnings report.
FERC Rejects Complaint on Montana Solar; 2nd Case Pending
Solar power developers are asking FERC to overrule Montana regulators on how much NorthWestern Energy should pay to PURPA projects.
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SPP RSC Approves New Member Cost Allocation Process
The SPP Regional State Committee (RSC) approved a process for reviewing new members’ effect on regional cost allocation, but not before some changes.
SPP Board Lets Action on Z2 Stand; Litigation Likely
The Southwest Power Pool Board of Directors and Members Committee decided to take no further action on the contentious Z2 crediting issue.
SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Briefs
Southwest Power Pool CEO Nick Brown said during his president’s report that cybersecurity issues will be SPP's biggest challenge in 2017.
UPDATED: SPP Gala Celebrates 75 Years of Service
Southwest Power Pool celebrated its 75th anniversary with a gala featuring political and regulatory figures, an orchestral piece and a coffee-table book.

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