Southwest Power Pool (SPP)
Program management “sprints” within the high-tech sector have little on SPP Markets+ stakeholders’ work to develop a market tariff, says Oregon regulator Letha Tawney.
The Colorado Public Utilities Commission has proposed rules that would govern how it will review applications from utilities wishing to join the various regional markets being developed in the Western Interconnection.
MISO has registered a separate complaint with FERC to retract market-to-market coordination with SPP on a contentious flowgate persistently taxed by a North Dakota cryptocurrency mining operation.
The Gulf Coast Power Association's 10th annual MISO-SPP Forum centered its focus on the energy transition before a record crowd in New Orleans.
FERC Commissioner Mark Christie brought his message of the need for grid reliability to the Gulf Coast Power Association's MISO-SPP Forum, saying the U.S. is "heading for a very dark place."
SPP’s latest attempt to comply with FERC Order 2222 has resulted in the commission’s partial acceptance and a directive to make another compliance filing.
WAPA's Desert Southwest Region pulled out of the second phase of developing SPP's Western day-ahead market after determining it would see few benefits from participating in either Markets+ or EDAM.
NV Energy would gain significantly more economic benefits from participating in CAISO’s EDAM than SPP’s Markets+, new analysis from the Brattle Group shows.
Independent SPP directors overseeing Markets+’s development in the Western Interconnection have lent their approval to the market’s draft tariff, the culmination of several months of drafting and refinement.
SPP marked the 10th anniversary of its day-ahead, real-time Integrated Marketplace by saying it has provided more than $10.2 billion in savings to members since its launch in 2014.
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