January 15, 2025

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative (SMECO)

Md. Advocate Wants Tougher Energy-Efficiency Targets
Maryland’s Office of People’s Counsel is recommending that regulators set tougher energy-efficiency targets for the state’s utilities.
Exelon, Pepco Reject Merger Objections
Exelon and Pepco told FERC last week that competitive and environmental concerns raised over their proposed merger are unfounded.
Members Deadlock on DR in Capacity Auctions; PJM May Seek FERC OK Despite Stakeholder Opposition
PJM may seek FERC approval for a plan to change the way demand response clears in capacity auctions despite stakeholders’ rejection of the plan.
MRC MC Preview
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC and MC on 11/21/13. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage.
PJM Wins One, Loses One on Capacity Market Changes
Members approved PJM’s methodology for limiting capacity imports but soundly rejected the RTO’s proposal to change the way DR clears in the capacity market.
States, LSEs on Collision Course with PJM over DR Changes
Chances for consensus appeared dim last week as PJM moved to implement caps on limited demand response over the objection of load serving entities. MD's PSC threatened a FERC challenge.
DR, States Balk as PJM Pushes Capacity Vote
Amid complaints that the issue has not been fully vetted, members of the Capacity Senior Task Force are voting on four proposals to cap the volume of limited demand response that can clear PJM’s base capacity auction.
Demand Response Changes Could Cost $1B Annually
PJM’s proposed changes to the deployment of demand response could cost consumers billions, members said last week as the RTO and generators squared off against load-serving entities and industrial customers.

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