July 4, 2024

Southern Co.

FERC Accepts Key Tariff Revisions to SEEM
FERC accepted revisions to four SEEM utilities' tariffs implementing the special transmission service used to deliver the market’s energy transactions.
SEEM to Move Ahead, Minus FERC Approval
FERC announced on Wednesday the Southeast Energy Exchange Market will move ahead after the evenly split commission failed to reach a decision in time.
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Panelists: SEEM Can’t Be Southeast’s End Goal
Panelists at the Smart Electric Power Alliance's conference shared their concerns about the proposed Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM).
Alabama Power
CEC Explores Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings
A California Energy Commission workshop explored ways that grid-interactive efficient buildings can contribute to carbon reduction goals.
Report: SEEM’s Benefits Beaten by Other Models
According to a new report, the proposed Southeast Energy Exchange Market is outperformed by multiple alternatives in its goals of cost and emissions reduction.
PennEast Pipeline
PennEast Pipeline Throws in the Towel
Developers of the proposed PennEast natural gas pipeline canceled the project, conceding defeat despite a victory before the U.S. Supreme Court in June.
Southern Co.
FERC Removes Southern Co. Mitigation in SC
FERC agreed to remove market mitigation measures for Southern Co. in South Carolina, saying the utility meets the standards for market-based rate authority.
Southeast Utilities Urge FERC Action on SEEM
The sponsors of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market urged FERC to OK their plan to expand bilateral trading and reject calls for broader market changes.
Georgia Power
Southern Faces NRC Inspection over Vogtle Repair Work
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced  that it will conduct a special inspection at the Vogtle 3 nuclear reactor, currently under construction in Georgia.
SEEM Members Offer Rule Changes
Sponsors of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market responded to a FERC deficiency notice with changes to increase transparency and allay market power concerns.

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