Sierra Club
Several public interest organizations have filed a complaint with FERC contending PJM’s capacity market inflates consumer prices by not counting generators operating on RMR agreements as a form of capacity.
Sierra Club released a report arguing that utilities can meet rising demand with clean resources, but to ensure that happens, the big customers driving much of that growth need to stick to their clean energy commitments.
Activists, ISO-NE officials, and state representatives from across New England convened in New London, Conn., to discuss the benefits of offshore wind to the region’s power system.
The fate of two coal plants owned by AEP’s Appalachian Power is generating debate in a proceeding to approve the utility’s renewable portfolio standard plan at the Virginia State Corporation Commission.
Vineyard Wind and GE Vernova have released an overview of their action plan for debris cleanup and the eventual resumption of construction on the Vineyard Wind 1 project in the wake of the blade failure and collapse on July 13.
The Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council and the Sustainable FERC Project are seeking a rehearing of MISO’s sloped demand curve in its capacity auction.
FERC has established settlement judge procedures to consider the validity of rate schedules filed by Talen Energy to continue operating its Brandon Shores and H.A. Wagner generators past their retirement date.
The Senate confirmed Judy Chang to a five-year term at FERC, meaning the commission will be at a full complement of five members even after Commissioner Allison Clements leaves at the end of June.
A FERC administrative law judge found that Basin Electric Power Cooperative improperly included the costs of a for-profit gasification business in its wholesale electricity rates.
A new analysis prepared for the Sierra Club concludes offshore wind energy would be a money-saver for New Englanders, despite the high cost of construction.
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