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The EPA’s Environmental Appeals Board has granted the agency’s motion for a “voluntary remand” on the air quality permit for the project, essentially returning it to EPA for re-evaluation in light of President Donald Trump’s Jan. 20 executive order on offshore wind.
New Jersey’s third offshore wind solicitation drew proposals from four developers, including two that would put turbines much farther out to sea than earlier projects.
New Jersey's largest offshore wind farm would have a “major” effect on fisheries and "visual resources,” but only a moderate impact in other areas, BOEM found.
The SouthCoast Wind project could have significant impacts on marine mammals, fisheries and navigation, according to a draft environmental impact statement.
The biggest clean energy story of 2022 was passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, rising improbably from the ashes of President Biden’s Build Back Better Act.
New Jersey regulators voted to spend $1.07 billion on transmission upgrades to deliver 6,400 MW of offshore wind generation to the PJM grid.
Increasing its bet on offshore wind, the Biden administration said it will auction six lease areas near New York, enough to site at least 5.6 GW of generation.
New Jersey fishermen vigorously opposed the Atlantic Shores offshore wind farm at a recent set of federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management hearings.
New Jersey is targeting a winter 2023-2024 completion date for the first phase of its South Jersey offshore wind port, manufacturing and marshaling hub.
New Jersey's second offshore wind solicitation resulted in the largest OSW project award in the nation, a combined 2,658 MW.
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