July 3, 2024

scarcity pricing

SPP Board/Members Committee Briefs: April 28, 2020
SPP’s Board of Directors approved the first two revision requests stemming from the Holistic Integrated Tariff Team’s work.
MISO Exploring Emergency Pricing, Forward Market
MISO is looking into a forward market mechanism and improvements to its scarcity and emergency pricing under its resource availability and need project.
Overheard at Infocast’s ERCOT Market Summit
The Infocast ERCOT Market Summit brought together nearly 300 industry representatives and policymakers to discuss the Texas grid and challenges it faces.
SPP Shortfall Leads to Scarcity Pricing Calls
An August energy emergency alert that had SPP one contingency away from shedding load has renewed calls for scarcity pricing to ensure adequate reserves.
GCPA Speakers Weigh Texas Market’s Pros, Cons
The landmark law that deregulated ERCOT’s market and paved the way for electric competition provided the theme for this year’s GCPA fall conference.
Overheard at Infocast’s Texas Renewable Energy Summit
Infocast’s Texas Renewable Energy Summit brought in developers, corporate off-takers, cities, municipalities, cooperatives and the financing community.
MMU Report: Wind Forecast Errors Drive SPP Price Spikes
SPP saw an increase in price spikes and overall prices during October and November thanks to above-normal scarcity pricing.
FERC Rejects NESCOE Request on Scarcity Rules
FERC rejected a request by the New England States Committee on Electricity to broaden the commission’s ruling raising ISO-NE’s peak energy rent adjustment.
PJM Board Seeks Reserve Pricing Changes for Winter
The PJM Board of Managers directed staff to identify changes to improve reserve market pricing that can be implemented for next winter.
DC Circuit Rejects New England Scarcity Pricing Challenge
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected NEPGA's challenge to FERC orders on scarcity prices, saying the commission had properly considered its complaints.

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