March 27, 2025

Rhode Island Energy (NYSE:PPL)

Storm Cuts Power to 750,000-plus in New England
Hundreds of thousands of electric utility customers lost electric power Dec. 18 as wind and rain hit the Northeast.
ISO-NE Prices Transmission Upgrades Needed by 2050: up to $26B
Transmission upgrades that are needed to avoid overloads in a fully electrified New England by 2050 could cumulatively cost between $22 billion and $26 billion, ISO-NE told its Planning Advisory Committee.
Rhode Island Energy Issues Offshore Wind RFP
Rhode Island Energy has issued a new Request for Proposals for up to 1,200 MW of offshore wind capacity,
Park City Wind to Cancel PPAs, Exit OSW Pipeline
Avangrid announced an agreement with two Connecticut electric distribution companies to terminate power purchase agreements for its Park City Wind proposal, the latest in a series of setbacks for offshore wind in New England.
Rhode Island Energy Rejects Revolution Wind 2 Proposal
Rhode Island Energy explained that the power purchase agreement proposed would be too expensive for consumers, vows to continue efforts to bring offshore wind to state.
Lone RI OSW Proposal to be Evaluated for Affordability
Rhode Island Energy said it hoped to receive more than one proposal in the state’s second offshore solicitation but recognizes the challenges facing the sector.
Orsted, Eversource Propose Revolution Wind 2
The two companies are proposing an 884-MW wind farm off the coast of Rhode Island.
ISO-NE: Reliability Still Depends on Mass. LNG Import Terminal
ISO-NE warns that the region’s near-term grid reliability depends on its access to LNG — and that access in turn relies on a single facility outside Boston.
RI Poised to Enact Nation’s Most Ambitious Renewables Standard
Supporters of a bill to increase the Rhode Island Renewable Energy Standard to 100% by 2033 expect Gov. Dan McKee to sign it into law.
PPL Completes Acquisition of Narragansett
PPL officially completed the acquisition of Narragansett Electric from National Grid, immediately rebranding the utility as Rhode Island Energy.

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