July 23, 2024

return on equity (ROE)

Louisiana City Allowed RTO Tx Adder
FERC ruled that Alexandria, Louisiana is entitled to collect a MISO-related adder on top of its authorized ROE without having to make a request.
LS Power’s Artificial Island Rate Filing Challenged
Stakeholders asked FERC to suspend LS Power's filing for the maximum of five months and conduct an evidentiary hearing on the matter.
Transmission Developers Launch Competitive Affiliates
Three new transmission developers affiliated with established utilities have entered the race for competitive transmission projects in the Midwest.
GridLiance Makes First Acquisitions
GridLiance has made its first two acquisitions — 420 miles of 69-kV and 115-kV lines in Missouri and Oklahoma — and announced plans to bid on SPP’s first competitive transmission project.
NYPSC Opposes NYPA Tx Rate Hike Request
The NYPSC has come out against the New York Power Authority’s request for a nearly 10% increase in its transmission rates.
Hearing over New England Transmission ROE Nears End
New England TOs and a coalition of state officials and consumer groups are expected to conclude a FERC hearing in their long-running transmission rate dispute.
Rural Utilities Allowed to Continue ROE Fight
Five small, rural utilities have won the right to continue their fight against 24 of MISO’s large transmission-owning members, whom the utilities contend are earning too much.
FERC Denies Rehearings on ROE Challenges
FERC said single-step discounted cash flow (DCF) analyses that it formerly used are adequate to support rate complaints made before it changed the rules.
MISO to Consumer Sector: No Money for You – UPDATED
MISO has declined a request by the Public Consumer Advocates sector for $200,000 to help cover its legal costs in a fight over MISO transmission owners’ return on equity.
MISO to Consumer Sector: No Money for You
MISO declined a request by the Public Consumer Advocates sector for $200,000 to help cover its legal costs in a fight over MISO transmission owners’ return on equity.

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