resource adequacy (RA)
A study of SPP’s future energy and resource needs has found the grid operator will have to rely on thermal generation to maintain grid reliability into midcentury, but it will come at a cost.
SPP’s Board of Directors has approved a one-time process to quickly add generation so load-responsible entities can meet their resource adequacy needs under the grid operator’s planning reserve margin requirements.
MISO members teed up a discussion on the approximately 57 GW of approved but unfinished generation in the footprint that will be a focal point of MISO’s quarterly Board Week in March.
In its Winter Reliability Assessment, SERC Reliability said several of its subregions have high or elevated risk of energy shortfalls during extreme conditions.
The Texas grid operator raised eyebrows in April when it said its load-growth forecasts had ballooned by 40 GW over the previous year. It said it anticipates about 152 GW of new load by 2030.
CAISO's Resource Adequacy Modeling and Design "workshop" is designed to reevaluate and refine several mechanisms the ISO uses to ensure resource adequacy.
"Chicken Little" claims about power outages being caused by the transmission grid being overtaxed do not stand up to scrutiny, says columnist Steve Huntoon.
NERC staff said they see both signs of progress and looming challenges in the ERO's winter reliability assessment.
MISO said it will design an expedited resource adequacy study process so generation projects in the interconnection queue that are needed for capacity sufficiency will get grid treatment sooner.
FERC accepted SPP’s tariff revisions that add a winter season resource adequacy requirement for load-responsible entities, extending its summer RA requirement.
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