March 11, 2025

reserve margins

Magness, Walker to Explain ERCOT Reliability to NERC
ERCOT CEO Bill Magness and Texas PUC Chair DeAnn Walker will attend NERC’s Board of Trustees meeting to discuss the grid operator’s slender reserve margins.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: Oct. 8, 2019
ERCOT CEO Bill Magness briefed the Board of Directors on an upcoming trip to NERC and the work of the Battery Energy Storage Task Force.
Abundance of Summer Capacity — Except in Texas
ERCOT’s low reserve margin sticks out when compared to those of most other regions in the U.S., where their reserves are well above their reference levels.
ERCOT: More Capacity, but Emergency Ops Still Expected
ERCOT said its final summer 2019 resource adequacy assessment indicates “a potential need” to enter energy emergency alert status for system reliability.
NRG to Bring Back Gas Plant for Summer 2019
NRG Energy said it expects to return to service an inactive Texas gas plant in time for summer, giving ERCOT additional capacity to play with.
Overheard at Infocast ERCOT Market Summit
Infocast’s annual ERCOT Market Summit attracted policymakers with utility, solar, wind and other energy executives to explore potential solutions and opportunities in Texas.
ERCOT Says Emergency Conditions this Summer ‘Likely’
ERCOT is “much more likely” to deal with “emergency-alert type conditions” this summer given the system’s 7.4% reserve margin, CEO Bill Magness said.
Exelon: Need Pa. Action by May to Save TMI
Pennsylvania lawmakers must approve nuclear subsidies by May to prevent the retirement of Three Mile Island Unit 1, Exelon CEO Chris Crane said.
Early MISO PRA Data Show Little Change
MISO posted draft 2019/20 Planning Resource Auction data that are virtually unchanged from last year’s early predictions.
Texas PUC Responds to Shrinking Reserve Margin
The mothballing of a coal-fired plant has reduced ERCOT’s reserve margin of 8.1% to 7.4%, prodding the Texas PUC into ordering market changes.

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