July 3, 2024

renewable portfolio standard (RPS)

Bulk Tx, 115-kV Upgrades Needed for NY 70×30 Goal
NYISO will need to expand its bulk transmission and some low-voltage lines to meet New York’s 2030 climate goals, according to the ISO's latest CARIS.
Maine Presents Microcosm of Massive Climate Challenge
E2Tech invited four panelists to present their own strategy for meeting Maine’s ambitious renewable and emission-reduction goals.
Mass. Senators to ISO-NE: Think Clean on Boston RFP
Massachusetts’ two senators urged ISO New England to prioritize the environment when evaluating responses to a transmission RFP.
Renewable Prices Fall to Record Low in California
California renewable energy prices fell to record lows in 2019, driven by the proliferation and falling costs of wind and solar power, the PUC said.
Va. 1st Southern State with 100% Clean Energy Target
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam signed landmark legislation committing the state to closing most of its coal-fired generation by 2024 and adopting a 100% clean energy standard.
N.J. Investigating Alternatives to PJM Capacity Market
New Jersey officials have taken the first step in determining whether the state should remain in PJM’s regional capacity market or go in another direction.
Ex-CPUC Head Counsels Fresh Look at Energy Future
The former president of the California PUC told energy lawyers assumptions about the future of renewable energy and electrification must be re-examined.
Midwest Renewables Poised to Rise in 2020
2020 is shaping up to be a seminal period in the Midwest’s transition to renewable energy if new initiatives and state legislation are any indication.
NJ Unveils Plan for 100% Clean Energy by 2050
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy outlined how the state will meet its goal of 100% “clean energy” and an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas by 2050.
Connecticut Weighs Pros, Cons of ISO-NE Markets
Connecticut regulators hosted a public hearing to examine whether ISO-NE’s wholesale electricity markets are geared to serving clean energy objectives.

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