July 4, 2024

renewable portfolio standard (RPS)

RTO Markets at Crossroads, Hobbled FERC Ponders Options
More than 50 stakeholders from PJM, NYISO and ISO-NE made their cases to FERC on how to resolve conflicts between energy policies and wholesale markets.
© RTO Insider
Power Markets at Risk from State Actions, Speakers Tell FERC
Speakers told FERC this week that RTO capacity markets are in serious danger from state renewable procurements and subsidies for nuclear plants.
State Climate Policies and Markets: Irreconcilable Differences?
Executives from PJM, NYISO and ISO-NE will gather with stakeholders at FERC to seek ways to incorporate policies on greenhouse gases into wholesale markets.
ISO-NE Study Projects Impact of $64/ton Carbon Price
A new analysis by ISO-NE shows that increasing carbon allowance prices would boost the region’s LMPs by more than 30% under all six scenarios studied.
Study: New England Needs More Wind, Tx to Meet RPS Targets
New England states will not have enough renewable resources to meet the 2025 and 2030 targets in current renewable portfolio standards.
State Officials Brief NE Roundtable on Renewables Plans
Officials gathered in Boston for the New England Restructuring Electricity Roundtable to discuss the challenges in meeting their states' clean energy goals.
Calif. Bill Would Introduce ‘Clean Peak Energy Standard’
A California bill introduced in the State Assembly would require utilities to meet increased demand with clean peak resources.
Board Approves CAISO Small TO Generator Interconnection Plan
The CAISO Board approved a generator interconnection plan designed to prevent smaller transmission owners from footing the costs for network upgrades.
Supporters Seek to Overturn Md. Governor’s Increased RPS Veto
Sponsors of a bill to increase the Maryland renewable portfolio standard called for the General Assembly to override Gov. Larry Hogan’s veto.
California Tx Policy Must Foster Resource Diversity, Report Shows
California will require improved transmission access to renewable resources to meet its environmental targets, according to a new report from the Energy Commission.

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