January 16, 2025

Reliability Pricing Model (RPM)

Generators to FERC: Expand MOPR for Subsidized FE, AEP Plants
Eleven generating companies have asked FERC to expand the PJM minimum offer price rule (MOPR) in time for May’s 2019/20 Base Residual Auction.
PJM-Type Capacity Auction for MISO Zone 4 Proposed
Dynegy and Exelon proposed that MISO Zone 4 procure capacity in three-year forward auctions separate from the rest of the RTO.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Why PJM’s Capacity Performance Isn’t Good for the Markets
PJM's Capacity Performance market structure, approved by FERC, is both over-priced and unlikely to achieve its intended results, says Direct Energy.
PJM Stakeholders to Study Relaxing Confidentiality Rules
PJM members agreed last week to consider relaxing confidentiality rules, despite reservations from several utilities.
PJM MRC Preview
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC on 06/25/15. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage.
PJM Bid to Delay Capacity Auction Draws Flurry of Support, Criticism
The PJM request to delay May’s Base Residual Auction has drawn more than two dozen comments — mostly from supportive stakeholders.
Stakeholders Skeptical of PJM Proposal for ‘Historic’ Capacity Transfer Rights
Stakeholders last week continued their debate over PJM’s proposal to create “historic” capacity transfer rights for some load-serving entities.
PJM Wins on 2,000 MW Capacity Waiver; Purchase Plan Rejected
FERC approved PJM’s request to retain 2,000 MW of capacity in yesterday’s third Incremental Auction for 2015/16 but rejected its request to purchase capacity outside of the RPM.
PJM CEO Terry Boston Urges Consensus in 2015
Boston lamented that PJM took unilateral action on several contentious proposals in 2014 after stakeholders were unable to reach consensus.
PJM Capacity Release Filings Draw Critics
A pair of requests PJM submitted to FERC to safeguard capacity for the 2015/16 delivery year drew a number of protests last week.

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