reliability-must-run (RMR) agreements
CAISO is going back to the drawing board to overhaul its reliability-must-run (RMR) program, switching to a “holistic” approach.
Comments filed with FERC indicate most stakeholders oppose ISO-NE’s Tariff waiver request to keep Exelon's Mystic generating station running.
Speakers at the Infocast California Energy Summit said the state’s grid reliability will be increasingly at risk if it doesn’t soon address resource adequacy planning.
FERC approved settlement agreements among CAISO, Pacific Gas and Electric and Calpine covering reliability-must-run contracts for three Northern California gas-fired plants, reducing the revenue they will receive and making them subject to a must-offer requirement.
FERC rejected the proposed CAISO Capacity Procurement Mechanism Risk-of-Retirement (CPM ROR) program.
PJM stakeholders are questioning the process for how a transmission development proposal will proceed following a debate at last week’s Planning Committee meeting.
CAISO, Pacific Gas and Electric and Calpine have settled their differences over the terms of the reliability-must-run (RMR) agreements.
Pacific Gas & Electric will seek proposals for up to 45 MW of energy storage, energy efficiency and other resources to replace the aging Dynegy Oakland power plant.
A CAISO official revealed that a generation owner has approached the ISO about seeking a 2019 reliability-must-run contract.
Environmental groups cheered the announcement by NRG Energy that it will retire three natural gas-fired plants in Southern California.
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