reliability must-run (RMR)
ERCOT’s Board of Directors has approved staff’s recommendation to pursue the use of 15 mobile generators as an alternative to extending the life of two aging gas units slated for retirement in South Texas.
FERC approved a suite of changes to PJM's next couple of capacity auctions, which are meant to mitigate billing impacts as the supply-demand dynamic in the region tightens and longer-term reforms are pursued.
Among other actions, the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee and the Members Committee will consider endorsing various manual revisions.
FERC approved a PJM waiver request to offset the RTO’s capacity auction schedule by six months starting with the 2026/27 Base Residual Auction.
PJM's Operating Committee heard that the transmission upgrades needed to allow the retirement of Indian River Unit 4 could be complete by the end of 2025
The Public Interest and Environmental Organization User Group discussed generation deactivations, filing rights over regional planning and long-term transmission projects with the PJM Board of Managers.
The Maryland Office of Peoples Counsel and PJM's IMM urge FERC to reject a compensation plan for NRG keeping a portion of its Indian River coal plant open under a reliability contract.
PJM and the Independent Market Monitor presented the Deactivation Enhancement Senior Task Force with two proposals to increase the notification generators seeking deactivation must provide PJM and standardize compensation for those that enter into agreements to continue operating beyond their desired retirement date.
PJM is rejecting a study suggesting it could avoid extending the life of the Brandon Shores generator by installing storage and reconductoring several lines.
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