March 31, 2025

regulation market

South Fork Wind
NYISO MC Approves Dynamic Reserves, Regulation Multiplier Proposals
During its last meeting of the year, the NYISO Management Committee approved two proposals that would institute a new design for the reserve market and alter a calculation used in the regulation service market. 
PJM MRC/MC Preview: Jan. 24, 2024
PJM's Members Committee is slated to consider endorsing an overhaul to the RTO's regulation market with one price signal and two products representing a resource’s ability to adjust their output up or down.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Nov. 15, 2023
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed new generation winterization requirements, followed by the Members Committee approving three changes to the stakeholder process.
NYISO Operating Committee Briefs: April 20, 2023
NYISO updated the Operating Committee about forecasted summer conditions, assessing that margins are declining over time as NYISO transitions to clean energy.
NYISO Seeking to Increase Emissions Transparency
NYISO gave ICAP/MIWG proposed methodology for measuring implied marginal emission rates to increase transparency around New York’s emissions output.
Southern California Edison
CAISO, WEIM Boards Back Reliability Enhancements
The CAISO Board of Governors and Western Energy Imbalance Market Governing Body adopted resource sufficiency and storage changes to promote summer reliability.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Dec. 15, 2021
Stakeholders endorsed a PJM proposal at a Markets and Reliability Committee meeting to improve the deployment of synchronized reserves during a spin event.

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