December 21, 2024

Regional Transmission Expansion Plan (RTEP)

PJM Analysis of Transource Alternative Challenged
Transource Energy’s alternative configuration for its Independence Energy Connection project doesn’t pass PJM’s cost-benefit test, LS Power said.
Competitive TOs Push Against PJM Supplementals
Competitive transmission developers made an argument at OPSI’s annual meeting: Supplemental projects undermine regional planning efforts.
FERC Opens Local Tx Projects to Competition, Cost Sharing
PJM must open Form 715 transmission projects to competitive bidding, with regional cost sharing involving high-voltage lines, FERC ordered.
PJM TO Tariff Filing Stirs up Transparency Concerns
PJM stakeholders are concerned that a proposed Tariff filing by transmission owners could undermine FERC-ordered transparency rules for certain projects.
PJM TOs Sign off on Supplemental Project Deal
PJM and its stakeholders reached an agreement on manual language detailing how the RTO will remove supplemental projects from its RTEP.
PJM, Stakeholders Strike Deal on Supplemental Projects
PJM stakeholders struck a compromise on language that would expand upon how the RTO includes projects in its Regional Transmission Expansion Plan.
PJM Members Debate Dueling Tx Replacement Plans
Electric distributors want PJM transmission owners to reveal more about how they decide when it’s time to replace infrastructure at “the end of its life.”
Tensions Boil over on PJM’s Supplemental Projects
Tension among PJM sectors boiled over after members once again deferred a vote on proposed manual revisions regarding supplemental transmission projects.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: June 27, 2019
PJM CEO Andy attended his last Markets and Reliability and Members committee meetings, capping more than two decades with the organization.
FERC Rejects PJM TMEP Rehearing Requests
FERC rejected a set of rehearing requests contesting the cost allocations for several cross-seams projects between PJM and MISO.

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