July 30, 2024

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)

ISO-NE Study Projects Impact of $64/ton Carbon Price
A new analysis by ISO-NE shows that increasing carbon allowance prices would boost the region’s LMPs by more than 30% under all six scenarios studied.
RGGI Carbon Auction Prices Drop 22%
Carbon dioxide allowance prices dropped 22% at the 34th Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) auction, renewing calls to tighten emission limits.
Constellation Energy Nuclear Group
Federal Suit Challenges NY Nuclear Subsidies
A group of energy companies and trade groups filed a lawsuit calling New York's nuclear power plant subsidies unconstitutional.
Md. Balks at Proposed Emission Cuts as RGGI States Ponder Future
RGGI reported another lackluster carbon allowance auction last week, bolstering calls by Mass. and others for more aggressive cuts in the compact’s emission caps.
Constellation Energy Nuclear Group
NY Attempts to Thread Legal Needle with Clean Energy Standard, Nuke Incentives
The U.S. Supreme Court cast a long shadow as New York regulators drafted the Clean Energy Standard and its incentives to preserve upstate nuclear power plants.
Restructuring Roundtable Marks 150th Meeting
The New England Restructuring Roundtable met for the 150th time to celebrate successes and look for solutions to reach a low-carbon future.
Overheard at the NE Restructuring Roundtable
RTO Insider was at the New England Restructuring Roundtable's 150th meeting in Boston last week. Here's what we heard.
PJM Members Committee Briefs
Maryland Energy Administration Director Mary Beth Tung delivered the keynote address at the final session of the PJM Annual Meeting.
Overheard at EUCI’s US/Canada Cross-Border Power Summit
Speakers at EUCI’s US-Canada Cross-Border Power Summit discussed the challenges of natural gas' rapid rise and displacement of other resources.
Ahead of Most, Northeast Still Faces Clean Energy Challenges
The Northeast may be further along than most regions in meeting the EPA’s new carbon emission rules, but it also faces challenges procuring clean energy.

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