March 15, 2025

real-time market

Consumers Energy
MISO Ditching Never-used Weather Curve Offer Style
MISO said it will file by the end of the month to scrap a clunky and all-but-abandoned generator offer style from its tariff.
FERC Orders ISO-NE to Reconsider Market Power Mitigation Rules
FERC ordered ISO-NE to reconsider its market mitigation rules because of an “unanticipated and highly atypical” situation that pushed prices higher Dec. 24.
© RTO Insider LLC
Monitor Critiques MISO’s Commitment Usage During Summer
MISO presided over reliable operations at higher prices this summer, with its IMM displeased over how many units the RTO calls up to maintain reliability.
FERC Fines CPower $2.5M over ISO-NE Capacity Payments
CPower has agreed to a $2.5 million penalty after FERC's enforcement division found the company took capacity payments in violation of ISO-NE rules.
Smooth December Operations for MISO
December contained unexceptional load and growing energy prices, according to MISO's monthly operations report.
CAISO Reconvenes EDAM Stakeholder Meetings
CAISO restarted the stakeholder process to expand its Western Energy Imbalance Market from a real-time to a day-ahead interstate market after a 14-month break.
PJM MIC Briefs: July 14, 2021
Stakeholders unanimously voted to amend PJM's issue charge addressing the calculation of regulation mileage ratio, asking the RTO for more time to discuss.
SPP Fundamentals Largely Unchanged
SPP will soon file a full report on the Integrated Marketplace’s first year of performance, but its most recent quarterly State of the Market report indicates the market expansion hasn’t affected the fundamental dynamics in the region.
MIC to Consider Real-Time Pricing Changes
The Market Implementation Committee will consider changes to PJM’s real-time pricing mechanism, which RTO officials say is depressing energy and reserve prices.
PJM: Change Real-Time Pricing
PJM proposed a change in its real-time pricing mechanism, saying the current methodology is depressing energy and reserve prices.

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