July 3, 2024

reactive power

Power Technology
FERC Seeks Info on Ohio Generator’s Reactive Power Claim
FERC set hearing and settlement proceedings for the 747-MW combined cycle Carroll County Energy plant in Ohio, questioning its revenue requirements.
Inland Mariners
FERC to Examine DTE Reactive Rate Reduction
FERC opened a fresh settlement proceeding to determine the fairness of DTE’s decreased revenue requirement for reactive power services.
Waiver Request Lands Lee Plant a FERC Inquiry
FERC approved Dynegy's request for a waiver of a change-in-ownership notice of its Lee plant, but the request has prompted an investigation into the plant's reactive power rates.
FERC to Review Illinois Plant’s Reactive Rates
FERC opened hearing procedures to determine the fairness of reactive power rates for a 195-MW Tilton Energy gas-fired plant.
FERC Sides with Wind Generators, Rejects SPP Reactive Power Filing
FERC rejected SPP’s proposed method for measuring generators’ reactive power, saying it said would result in excessive and unnecessary costs.
FERC OKs Duke, Constellation Settlements
FERC approved settlements concerning Constellation's reactive service payments and reducing Duke Energy's return on equity.
SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs
The SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee endorsed a 41% increase in a delayed 345-kV project along the Red River in southeastern Oklahoma as reasonable and reset the project’s baseline.
FERC Rejects MISO’s Filing on Reactive Power Compensation
FERC last week rejected the MISO plan for ensuring it terminates reactive power payments when generating units are no longer capable of providing the service or are transferred out of a fleet.
CAISO Board OKs Grid Services Requirements for Renewables
The CAISO Board of Governors approved proposed Tariff revisions that will require new renewable resources be capable of providing grid-stability services as a condition for interconnecting with the ISO’s system.
Monitor: PJM Markets Competitive, but Have Room for Improvement
PJM’s Market Monitor made new recommendations for the energy, capacity and ancillary services markets in its 2nd quarter State of the Market Report.

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