March 14, 2025

rate pancaking

LG&E and KU
FERC Upholds De-pancaking Provisions in LG&E/KU Rates
FERC upheld its May 2023 order reinstituting de-pancaking provisions in LG&E/KU’s transmission rates, now the subject of a challenge before the D.C. Circuit.  
MISO, SPP Staffs Take Crack at Rate Pancaking
SPP and MISO plan to draft a white paper on rate pancaking and unreserved use, two issues that bedevil utilities along the RTOs’ seam.
SPP Congestion-hedging Recommendations Gain Traction
SPP is pushing a hybrid approach to its congestion-hedging process by first equitably allocating congestion rights and then increasing the pool of awards.
©RTO Insider LLC
MISO, SPP Regulators Finish Pancaking Strawman
A working group inventorying rate pancaking issues on the MISO-SPP seams have developed a strawman with four recommendations to improve transmission service.
MISO-SPP M2M Settlements Exceed $200M
SPP’s market-to-market settlements with MISO exceeded $20 million in October for the second time in 12 months.
Organization of MISO States
Regulators Press on SPP-MISO Rate Pancaking
MISO and SPP state regulators are trying to inventory the instances and costs of duplicate transmission charges along their seams to mitigate rate pancaking.

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