July 3, 2024

Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM)

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Western Officials Get Rundown on ‘Irritating, Inefficient’ Market Seams
Utility staff charged with managing real-time operations will be equipped to deal with the seams between two Western day-ahead markets, but the situation will be far from ideal, Western state energy officials heard at the CREPC-WIRAB spring conference.
West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative
Pathways Initiative Discloses Funders, Reiterates Goals
The West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative has secured commitments of financial support from 24 utilities and other electricity-sector organizations and expects that list to grow.
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WestTEC Transmission Effort Selects Stakeholder Committee

Western Power Pool has announced the 24 members of a stakeholder group that will participate in the West-wide transmission planning effort.

NM Utilities to Pursue More Analysis Before Day-ahead Decision
Despite the recent release of results from a study on the two competing day-ahead markets in the West, two New Mexico utilities said they need to conduct more analysis before they make a choice.
Lights out for Avangrid’s PNM Acquisition

Avangrid has pulled the plug on its proposed $8.3 billion acquisition of PNM Resources, as final approval for the deal remains tied up at the New Mexico Supreme Court.

New Mexico Contemplates Organized Market Choice
When it comes to choosing between Western day-ahead market offerings, who else is participating in the market is a key consideration, a representative of a New Mexico utility said.
New Mexico Public Regulation Commission
NM Commission to Set Standards for RTO, Day-ahead Participation
State regulators have launched a process to develop “guiding principles” regarding participation in a regional day-ahead market or RTO.
Order 881 Timelines Need Explaining, FERC Says
FERC issued orders directing transmission providers to clarify their timelines for calculating and submitting ambient-adjusted line ratings under Order 881.
Public Service Co. of New Mexico Joins WRAP
Public Service Co. of New Mexico joined the Western Power Pool's Western Resource Adequacy Program, bringing the number of participants to 22.
WestConnect Tx Cost Allocation Plan Rejected by FERC
FERC rejected a proposed settlement intended to resolve a longstanding dispute over how to implement Order 1000 in the WestConnect planning region.

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