March 11, 2025

Powhatan Energy Fund

Powhatan Renews PR Campaign as FERC Readies Enforcement Action
Kevin and Rich Gates have reactivated their website after FERC indicated that it was about to move on to the next step — civil prosecution.
PJM UTC Case Likely Headed to Court After FERC Notice
FERC staff issued a Notice of Alleged Violation last week against traders who exploited a loophole in PJM UTC trades in a case that will likely go to court.
FERC Staff Accuses Powhatan as Bay Moves Up — UPDATE
After nearly four years of investigation, FERC publicly accused an energy trading firm of market manipulation in a case that dogged enforcement chief Norman Bay through his confirmation as commissioner.
PJM Trader Calls FERC on Manipulation Probe
The Powhatan Energy Fund, the subject of a FERC investigation for more than three years without being charged, has decided to go on offense by releasing documents it says proves it has been unfairly hounded.
The Players
A guide to the players in the Powhatan Energy Fund market manipulation investigation.

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