July 4, 2024

Potomac Economics

NYISO Management Committee Briefs
The NYISO Management Committee discussed the upcoming summer, an annual review of the Market Monitoring Unit and Tariff changes.
Gas Price Spreads Made NYC Generation More Economic in 2016
Natural gas price spreads between Western and Eastern New York in 2016 led to NYC generation being “more economic than in recent years,” NYISO's MMU said.
IMM Report Highlights Outages, Wind Over-Forecasting
MISO Independent Market Monitor (IMM) David Patton presented a draft of his quarterly report; expressing concerns over high outage rates in MISO South.
Monitor: NYISO Needs Locational Focus, Flexibility — not Forward Capacity Market
A forward capacity market may have worked for PJM and ISO-NE, but it isn’t the solution for NYISO, the Market Monitor told IPPNY’s fall conference.
ERCOT IMM: Low Gas Prices Reduce Costs, Revenue
Cheap natural gas pushed ERCOT's energy costs and congestion revenue to record lows in 2015, the IMM reported in his state of the market report.
SPP Squelching MMU Independence, Former Monitors Say
SPP has interfered with the autonomy of its internal MMU, according to two former monitors who say they were fired for voicing their concerns.
NYISO Monitor: Modify Capacity Export Planning
NYISO’s Market Monitoring Unit is recommending changes to the capacity market and planning processes in import-constrained zones.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs
The MISO Market Subcommittee discussed daylight saving time, demand response and the Monitor's latest report.
MISO Monitor: Extended LMP Changes Minimal Thus Far
The MISO board’s Markets Committee met at Potomac Economics headquarters in Fairfax, Va., to review the Market Monitor’s quarterly metrics report and its monitoring procedures.
MISO Ponders Larger DR Role Despite Legal Uncertainty
The MISO Advisory Committee sought stakeholder input on making the most of demand response, and whether the RTO should take any action on FERC Order 745.

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